Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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  • A relaxing day out

    A relaxing day out Summit Luncheon via Girdlestone and Tahurangi So after going to bed at 1.30 am Saturday Miles and I got up at 6 to do “Wake Up Call” on the south east face of Girdlestone (AI3 - Graham did the first ascent last year). When we got our first peak at it, it looked really thin. We decided to go have a closer look but the ...
    Posted to Trip Reports (Forum) by Terra Dumont on September 29, 2009
  • AIC follow up

    Hello everyone, AIC follow is next weekend! :) If you where at the meeting last night you would have heard a little bit about it. Here is the run down. This trip is for both people who have never done any mountaineering and would like to learn basic alpine skills and for people who have basic alpine skills and would like to increase these ...
    Posted to Club Trips (Forum) by Terra Dumont on July 29, 2009
  • Ruapehu Climbing

    Hello, I am very keen to go climbing on Ruapahu this weekend (if the forecast improves!!)   My general plan is: Leave Hunter car park Friday 5:15pm or latter if need be Drive to mountain and camp in Bruce Shelter Saturday am walk up to Delta Corner (NZAC Hut) and pitch tents Go climbing in the Pinnacles Sunday more climbing on the ...
    Posted to Non Club Trips or Activities (Forum) by Terra Dumont on July 28, 2009
  • Skiing at Ruapehu this weekend

    I'm thinking of heading to the mountain on Sunday or Monday (more likely) this weekend to ski. If anyone is interested in joining me for the car trip or to ski, let me know: I'm actually in Levin this weekend but if you didn't have transport, we might be able to organise something. I have a roof rack for skis and plenty of ...
    Posted to Non Club Trips or Activities (Forum) by kay on July 25, 2009
  • Ruapahue this weekend??

    Hey, If the weather is not quite so marginal I'm keen to go climbing on Ruapahue this weekend! Any one else keen? I'm thinking of playing around on the Pinnacles. It won't be a instuctional trip as such - there is AIC 2 and snow caving for that comming up soon, but whatever your ability you can come on up and have a potter around or climb ...
    Posted to Non Club Trips or Activities (Forum) by Terra Dumont on July 15, 2009
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