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Want to come along? Get more infos and sign up on our First Meeting on Tuesday (13 March) at 7:30PM in the Memorial Theatre (VUWSA Building, Kelburn Campus).
Hi everyone,
Freshers is coming up next weekend (16-18 March) and it will be a great trip as we expect at least 50 of you to be joining us.
Leaving on Friday evening on a bus around 5pm, it is an easy tramp for beginners and great introduction to tramping in New Zealand.
We are walking to Totara Flats and camping overnight and then ...
On behalf of Mikey, your friendly Chief Guide:Freshers This is the first trip of the Trimester. Being the first trip, it will be a social one! We are going toTotara Flats, meeting at the Hunter Carpark at 5.15 on Friday night. We will be taken on a bus to theWaiohine road end and camp there on Friday. On Saturday, we will follow the track ...
Hey all,
our first tramping trip, 'Freshers', is coming up this weekend 12-14 March. This is an introductory level trip to Totara Flats in the Tararuas and is a great chance to come along, see what tramping is all about and meet lots of people! There will be plenty of (hopefully) good weather, campfires, swimming, the odd drink or two and, well, ...
For all those that missed the information about the Freshers trip to Totara Flats this weekend here's the essentials. Just remember that if you want to come on this trip and haven't signed up that you need to contact me ASAP so that I can put you in a group and confirm numbers.
We will be walking into Totara Flats camping at the ...
And thanks to all who came along and made the trip successful.
Just remember also that if you haven't paid for the trip ($25) that we need to cover our costs and that you can pay the club treasurers, Jess or Simon, at the meeting on Tuesday.
You are also more than welcome to write about the trip and post photos from the trip ...
Hey everyone!
Our first official meeting of the year is coming up this Tuesday (4 March) at 7.30pm in Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 of the Student Union Building, Victoria University, Kelburn Campus.
This is a great chance to come along and find out what we do, when, where and how! We'll give a slideshow, introduce a few people and provide info on how ...
Hey guys,
Just to let you know that the meeting on Tuesday will be from 8pm, mainly to allow the committee to discuss and organise the start of the tramping year!
Its a busy time of year for us, so if you're new to the club please be patient while we sort ourselves out - we'll be meeting up at uni from 4 March and will be taking membership, ...
I know lots of VUWTC members are also on Facebook. I had trouble getting my photos of this year's Freshers on to this website, so I went an created a VUWTC group and put my pictures there. So search for VUWTC on facebook and you'll find the group.
Hi Guys,
Below is a copy of the Freshers info given out at the First meeting incase you have lost it. If you would like to come on freshers, but cannot make the first meeting you need to email ASAP on ryburncrai@student.vuw.ac.nz.
Freshers ...