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Most trips into the Kawekas involve clear skies, good views,
lovely hot pools and relaxing with a choice beverage or five. This was nothing
like that at all.
This was the third club trip I’d been on, the first was
Freshers which apparently didn’t really count and the second was an overly
ambitious trip to Maungahuka and that didn’t work out ...
There is a lot happening in the club over the next two weeks during the mid-trimester break, here are some trips and contact people for each trip.
Kawekas 6th-9th April
Email Mae: theelusivemailbox@gmail.com
Climbing Golden Bay
16th - 22nd
Email Jack: theplay_ground@yahoo.com
Climbing day trip
Turakirau ...
Hi everyone,
This weekend in addition to the Mt Taranaki trip there will also be a trip to the Kaweka's. This trip will be a medium plus trip, although depending on how many people are keen and whether extra cars are available we could potentially have several groups.
The plan is to drive up on Friday evening, getting group ...