Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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  • Re: New Constitution

    Final copy of the constitution here: &nbsp;google doc &nbsp;Hopefully no spelling mistakes :)&nbsp;
    Posted to General (Forum) by Kieran on October 14, 2013
  • Re: New Constitution

    Agenda - VUWTC AGM 15 October 20136.45pmPizza and chip[s and fizzy drink and bubbles and vodka7.30pmPresidentโ€™s reportChief guideโ€™s report7.45 present constitutionPass motion to acceptMotion to become incorporated societyNomination of witnessSigning x158.00pm&nbsp;Treasurerโ€™s reportMotion to accept financial accountsMotion to accept budget for ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by Kieran on October 14, 2013
  • New Constitution

    Hey all, As mentioned at the meeting we are currently in the process of rewriting our constitution so that we can become an incorporated society. Take a look at our draft constitution here and submit any suggestions/corrections/improvements to us by next Monday&nbsp;7 October. These will form the rules governing how our club works going ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by Kieran on October 2, 2013
  • Ruahines trip 19-21 April!

    Hey all, myself (Kieran) and Craig are running the club trip this weekend to the Ruahine Ranges. This is the next range north of the Tararuas, and in general is a bit more wild, rugged and adventurous - so more fun in other words! Having said that we'll be trying to arrange groups to suit all levels, so there can be everything from a relaxed ...
    Posted to Club Trips (Forum) by Kieran on April 14, 2013
  • Re: Tubing the Waiohine

    Could be tempted to try it this weekend as the weather is looking good... it'd be an overnight trip leaving Saturday morning, let me know at the meeting tonight or by email if you reckon you're keen for it! Cheers.&nbsp;
    Posted to Club Trips (Forum) by Kieran on February 5, 2013
  • Tubing the Waiohine

    So, I'm down on the summer calendar to organise a tubing trip down the Waiohine this weekend - I'm still very keen to run the trip at some stage, but am away down south this weekend and next, so will reschedule to a fine weekend in February! The stretch I'm particularly interested in is an isolated bit of gorge between Mid Waiohine and Totara ...
    Posted to Club Trips (Forum) by Kieran on January 22, 2013
  • Website notifications fixed!

    Hey people, &nbsp;it looks like our hosting provider for the website changed some settings for their email server a while back (without telling us), which broke all the notification emails on our website news/forums etc. I've updated the site with the change and it should be all working now - so hopefully you get this email :)
    Posted to General (Forum) by Kieran on December 13, 2012
  • Re: Tubing from Penn Creek

    This will probably just be a tramp now -&nbsp;so if you want to get away for some exercise Friday night/Saturday let me know! ( Rough plan is Penn Creek friday night, and a loop onto the tops via Vosseler and Bridge Peak returning to Wellington Saturday afternoon.
    Posted to Club Trips (Forum) by Kieran on December 13, 2012
  • Tubing from Penn Creek

    Hi all, if anyone's keen to go tubing from Penn Creek down to Otaki Forks this weekend, let me know at the meeting tonight so I can sort out some tubes. You would need to bring your own wetsuit (or hire one from a local dive shop). Prior tubing experience not a necessity, but it helps if you're fairly comfortable in the water. It's a bit of a ...
    Posted to Club Trips (Forum) by Kieran on December 11, 2012
  • Ruahine tramping this weekend?

    Hey guys, is anyone up for a tramp this weekend? I could be keen to get into the eastern Ruahines (as per the calendar), a relatively easy trip into Awatere, Happy Daze, Makaretu and Longview huts (or possibly a bigger loop to Leon Kinvig/Top Gorge if people were keen and weather good). Come along to the meeting tomorrow night at the Welsh Dragon ...
    Posted to Club Trips (Forum) by Kieran on December 3, 2012
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