Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Ruahines trip 19-21 April!

  •  14-04-2013, 9:27 PM

    Ruahines trip 19-21 April!

    Hey all, myself (Kieran) and Craig are running the club trip this weekend to the Ruahine Ranges. This is the next range north of the Tararuas, and in general is a bit more wild, rugged and adventurous - so more fun in other words!

    Having said that we'll be trying to arrange groups to suit all levels, so there can be everything from a relaxed walk into a hut and out again on the tracks, to a full on keen trip across open mountain tops and down untracked rivers to get to some of the remoter parts (like Lake Colenso perhaps). Indicate your level of fitness/tramping experience on the sign up form appropriately - we'll go over these again at the meeting.

    The exact routes will be a bit dependent on weather, but there's lots of options and plenty of cool little huts to aim for. 

    Since its a bit of a drive, we'll try and get away promptly on Friday evening at 5.30pm and we will be returning late on Sunday.

    If you're keen to come, sign up online here or at the Tuesday meeting (7.30pm in AM103). Come along to the meeting to find out more or if you can't make it and have any questions email myself ( or Craig (

    If you can't make it for the whole weekend there will also be a daytrip going to the Catchpool Valley in the Orongorongos, just over the harbour from Wellington - again, come to the meeting to sign up and find out more.


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