Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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New Constitution

Last post 14-10-2013, 11:45 PM by Kieran. 2 replies.
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  •  02-10-2013, 5:17 PM 6551

    New Constitution

    Hey all,

    As mentioned at the meeting we are currently in the process of rewriting our constitution so that we can become an incorporated society.

    Take a look at our draft constitution here and submit any suggestions/corrections/improvements to us by next Monday 7 October.

    These will form the rules governing how our club works going forward, so are pretty important! Feedback to myself (, Emma ( or Anita ( or comment on our facebook page if you want wider discussion.

    The process from here will be for us to collate any feedback received and present a final copy of our proposed new constitution at the meeting next Tuesday 8 October, 7 days in advance as required by our current constitution. Then we will formally vote on accepting it and on becoming an incorporated society at the AGM on 15 October, with a 2/3 majority of those present required to vote yes in order to replace our current constitution.


    More details on the benefits of incorporation can be found on the societies website which might help explain the impetus for making this move to incorporation. The reason we have not done this previously is that we used to affiliate to VUWSA who were incorporated, and as our 'umbrella' organisation these benefits flowed through to us. Now with VSM (Voluntary Student Membership), VUWSA affiliation is no longer an option for us so we really need to become incorporated ourselves to gain these benefits.

    For reference our existing constitution from 2002 can be found here - given it referenced VUWSA affiliation in several clauses, it is pretty much invalid now and needs replacing anyway!




  •  14-10-2013, 10:49 PM 6552 in reply to 6551

    Re: New Constitution

    Agenda - VUWTC AGM 15 October 2013


    Pizza and chip[s and fizzy drink and bubbles and vodka


    President’s report

    Chief guide’s report

    7.45 present constitution

    Pass motion to accept

    Motion to become incorporated society

    Nomination of witness

    Signing x15


    Treasurer’s report

    Motion to accept financial accounts

    Motion to accept budget for following year


    Explain roles

    Nomination president 

    Nomination Chief Guide

    Nomination assistant chief guide

    Nomination secretary

    Nomination treasurer

    Nomination co-treasurer

    Nomination climbing officer

    Nomination social officer

    Nomination publicity office x 2

    Nomination gear custodians x2

    Nomination conservation officer

    Nomination huts officer


    Closing remarks and trust issues games

    AGM executive photographic activities


    Nomination of tacation venue


    Presidents (past and present) drunken stupor and making out

  •  14-10-2013, 11:45 PM 6553 in reply to 6552

    Re: New Constitution

    Final copy of the constitution here:

     google doc

     Hopefully no spelling mistakes :) 

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