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Tubing the Waiohine

Last post 05-02-2013, 6:40 PM by Kieran. 1 replies.
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  •  22-01-2013, 4:15 PM 6482

    Tubing the Waiohine

    So, I'm down on the summer calendar to organise a tubing trip down the Waiohine this weekend - I'm still very keen to run the trip at some stage, but am away down south this weekend and next, so will reschedule to a fine weekend in February!

    The stretch I'm particularly interested in is an isolated bit of gorge between Mid Waiohine and Totara Flats. Some tubing/river experience would be helpful, as would a wetsuit. If you're interested let me know at, and I'll send round an email in February before whichever weekend looks good!


  •  05-02-2013, 6:40 PM 6494 in reply to 6482

    Re: Tubing the Waiohine

    Could be tempted to try it this weekend as the weather is looking good... it'd be an overnight trip leaving Saturday morning, let me know at the meeting tonight or by email if you reckon you're keen for it! Cheers. 

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