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VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

Last post 18-09-2007, 1:55 PM by Terra Dumont. 15 replies.
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  •  05-09-2007, 9:32 PM 2097

    VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Hello, I just got this e-mail (from Tush the present envronmental officer).... 

    A motion has been put to remove both my position (Environmental Officer) and *** Rights Officer at the VUWSA AGM.

    the motion is to remove both the *** Officer role and Environmental Officer. A new role would be created, which would be the Representatives Organisations Officer, and would deal with all 9 Representative groups on campus.

    Rereading the motion, I have discovered that as there is currently no representative group on campus, representing the environment, and according to the VUWSA Constitution, can never have a representative group representing the environment (as representative groups can only represent VUW students, and cannot represent the environment). Therefore, if the motion gets passed, it will mean that VUWSA will not represent environmental issues.

    The VUWSA AGM is on  Wednesday 19th September 2007 @ 1pm, at Mount Street Bar and Cafe (Students' Union Building). 

    My role is needed on VUWSA, and is also important for the university. As Environmental Officer, I sit on both the University Environmental Committee (along with 1 other student representative) and on the Transport Committee (the only student representative on this committee). I work closely with Gecko and with other environmental related organisations.

    The university is currently going through an environmental audit and implementing the VUW Environmental Policy, to become more sustainable. For this reason, we need an Environmental Officer to represent students.

    I have organised the last two environmental weeks (with help from Gecko), and work hard on many other issues affecting students and environmental issues. The next Environmental Officer will do the same. This role is a very important role. I certainly fill the 10 hours a week required for VUWSA.

    The *** Officer is also an important role, representing *** students. Although I cannot speak for the role, I know that one person cannot represent both gay, ***, transgender, intersex, bisexual, etc, students and environmental issues. If the motion passes, the person that runs for the new position will find that the role will require more than the 10 hours a week required for a VUWSA exec member. If they stick to only working the 10 hours, then they won't do the job properly.   

    If you are a current 2007 VUW student, please turn up for this meeting and vote against this motion. If this motion passes, Gecko will be severely disadvantaged, Long with a lot of the conservation/sustainability work being done on campus.


    I sadly can't make it because of a tutorial, so plaese come and vote against it on my behalf!!!!




  •  05-09-2007, 9:36 PM 2098 in reply to 2097

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Ok, there must be a funny filter on this thing. Its the Q u e e r officer if anyone is wondering...
  •  12-09-2007, 4:09 PM 2137 in reply to 2098

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Kia ora trampers,

    I'm not a VUW student but I have lots of student friends really worried about the up-coming VUWSA elections. Here's something everyone should know about:

    As you might know, next Wednesday are VUWSA elections, 12pm Mount Street Bar in the Student Union Building.

    1)  There is a group called the A-Team that aims to "take over" Vuwsa and get rid of club funding, do away with some positions ( i.e the Environmental Officer) and basically destroy the union from inside out. If that concerns you, come along next Wednesday lunchtime to Mount Street Bar to vote for other candidates. Go check out  their website (can't find the link, but look out for it on campus). They are mostly young ACT and young National Party members. They claim they will give $25 union fees back to students as their big sell, but I just heard that is against some old piece of legislation. 

    2) There is a motion to form a new Representative Group on campus which will serve as an umbrella organisation for all of Global / Social Justice groups (Gecko, Just Action, Vic IDS, Education Action Group, Greens on Campus, Amnesty on Campus etc). A 2/3 majority vote is required to get it through. This will give these groups more of a right to be consulted for their views. Come along to the AGM on Wednesday if you want to have your say about this too.

    Representative groups are used to express the views and needs of a wide variety of VUW communities, and the groups hold a special constitutional status that ensures that VUWSA is mindful of the diverse nature of the student population. These are the Rep groups already on campus: (I think an environmental / social justice rep group should be there as well)

  •  13-09-2007, 4:56 PM 2143 in reply to 2137

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Hey to all the current students

    All of the presidential candidates have actually approached the club asking to speak to us (including Lukas from the A-Team who wants to abolish grants for clubs and make us lose the benefits we gain from being affiliated with VUWSA) and if people are really passionate about all the elections, I will invite them along but they all sound pretty political minded and so wasn't sure we'd really have that enjoyable an evening listening to them talk about how great they all are.

    In saying that, definitely check out what some of them are campaigning for- some of the big promises they are making have pretty severe implications for the student population and maybe even vote! Also voting for VUWSA takes place in the last week of September, it's the AGM of the 2007 VUWSA next Wednesday. Drop me an email if you want to hear what they've all been saying to the Tramping Club, otherwise won't bore you with all the details!

    Cheers, Annabel

  •  13-09-2007, 7:50 PM 2147 in reply to 2143

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Here is a letter i got from Tush (and I second it!!)

    I would hereby like to give my endorsement to Mark Newton for 2008 Environmental Officer. Mark is the ideal candidate for the role. He is not only in his 1 st year of Masters in Environmental Studies, but has been a member of Gecko; the university environmental club since Gecko began in 2004. He is a tutor for ENVI 114, a class working on environmental projects at university (in association with both the VUW and VUWSA), and already has an established working relationship with VUW. He is a member of several different environmental organisations around the country, and therefore has many environmental contacts outside of the university.

    Much of the work I have done over the last two years, in terms of making the university a more sustainable campus, go unreported in the student media, as it is not glamorous enough to be published on a regular basis. However, the results are there, but to continue the work, the role needs an experienced person to take over. I am happy to go on the record that Mark Newton is the ideal candidate. If you believe that the university needs to become more sustainable; then VOTE FOR MARK.


    Tushara Kodikara


  •  13-09-2007, 9:56 PM 2149 in reply to 2143

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    This really sounds to me like the students have to do something against those a-team guys. I got an email from Brent Hayward. I am sure, I'm not the only one who got it, but I am just posting it. Here we go:





    There are over 3500 Victoria University students who belong to the 60 VUWSA affiliated clubs on campus. These clubs vary from sporting clubs to political clubs, language clubs to social clubs. Clubs offer students an accessible outlet to enjoy an extra curricular activity they are passionate about. It is my belief that the student association exists to maximise the opportunity for Victoria students to participate in activities outside of study. VUWSA’s provision for clubs is a prime example of this.


    VUWSA currently provides affiliated clubs with funding, facility access, fundraising opportunities, planning and event management support, administration support, discounted printing, discounted van hire, and exclusive promotion (clubs days, website page, A to Z of clubs booklet, articles/notices in Salient, posters, and flyers).


    Is has come to my attention that a certain group of students’ running a campaign based around a $25 dollar student reimbursement, if elected at the upcoming VUWSA elections, are not only hoping to discontinue funding for clubs but want to eliminate the affiliation process altogether.


    The withdrawal of VUWSA funding would adversely affect the operations of a club. A reduction in funding correlates with a decrease in quality provision. This may have a negative impact on membership and give a competitive advantage to clubs operating off campus. Potentially club numbers will fall and smaller clubs may fold.


    Affiliation is the process of VUWSA verifying the legitimacy of a club operating on campus. Submitted documents are scrutinised to enable VUWSA to determine whether a club is acting constitutionally, is financially transparent, and providing for its student members. The process also enables me to educate club members in regards to effectively running a club, offer my admin and event management support, and detail in further the benefits of affiliation.


    If the affiliation process was discontinued there would be no ability for VUWSA to determine whether a club was legitimate or not. VUWSA and Victoria University will lose the ability to reasonably determine who should be allocated resources. If there is no control, services will either cease or be a free for all allowing resources to be used by groups who are undeserving (dishonest, unconstitutional, non student groups).


    Moreover, if affiliation was to be terminated all club funds and assets would be defaulted to VUWSA to dispose of at its absolute discretion in accordance with the VUWSA constitution. The value of the current club assets is $1,140,990.60 and as of 13/09/07 the current combined club funds are $31,775.62. Consequently, not only will there be a reduction in future club funds, but the removal of current club funds and assets will likely cripple most clubs on campus.


    Clubs are not the only VUWSA portfolios under threat if this political group has its way. Huge cuts are proposed for Campaigns, Environment, International students, Women’s rights, *** rights and Welfare. Education advocacy is cut by half. Funding for reps groups gone, Re-Orientation gone, Snow games gone, Uni Games gone, Foodbank gone.


    If you are one of the many students that may be affected by such a drastic change I implore you to take an interest in the upcoming VUWSA election, find out the political agendas behind the candidates and cast your vote. Your vote may have a significant impact on the future of student services at Victoria. The VUWSA election commences on September 21st and concludes September 28th.  


    Brent Hayward

    VUWSA Clubs Development Officer



  •  14-09-2007, 9:46 PM 2153 in reply to 2149

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Please take some time to consider this:

    Moreover, if affiliation was to be terminated all club funds and assets would be defaulted to VUWSA to dispose of at its absolute discretion in accordance with the VUWSA constitution. The value of the current club assets is $1,140,990.60 and as of 13/09/07 the current combined club funds are $31,775.62. Consequently, not only will there be a reduction in future club funds, but the removal of current club funds and assets will likely cripple most clubs on campus.

    If this was to happen this could mean the end of, or a severe slashing of our 86 year old club.

    It is really worth making your vote count against the clowns that call them selves the A team.

  •  15-09-2007, 1:36 AM 2155 in reply to 2153

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!


    ... and all that beautiful gear that we all borrow gone.....

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  •  15-09-2007, 1:52 AM 2156 in reply to 2155

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Seriously, these guys sound like bad news.

    Let all of your friends know, anyone who's a student, spread the word around any other clubs you might be a member of. We need to stop these guys. If they get in and manage to push all of this stuff through it will be disastrous .

  •  15-09-2007, 1:52 AM 2157 in reply to 2155

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Seriously, these guys sound like bad news.

    Let all of your friends know, anyone who's a student, spread the word around any other clubs you might be a member of. We need to stop these guys. If they get in and manage to push all of this stuff through it will be disastrous.

  •  15-09-2007, 1:52 AM 2158 in reply to 2155

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Seriously, these guys sound like bad news.

    Let all of your friends know, anyone who's a student, spread the word around any other clubs you might be a member of. We need to stop these guys. If they get in and manage to push all of this stuff through it will be disastrous

  •  15-09-2007, 1:52 AM 2159 in reply to 2155

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Seriously, these guys sound like bad news.

    Let all of your friends know, anyone who's a student, spread the word around any other clubs you might be a member of. We need to stop these guys. If they get in and manage to push all of this stuff through it will be disastrous .

  •  15-09-2007, 2:03 AM 2160 in reply to 2159

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    sorry about the multiple posts; don't know how that happened. Now I can't delete them, either.
  •  15-09-2007, 4:29 AM 2162 in reply to 2160

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Hey All, I will try to throw some anit a-team/pro club posters up around uni next week. send me any cool slogan ideas you have. I will not necesarily be sticking the VUWTC name on them, so lets have some fun :)
    Jess Clark
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  •  15-09-2007, 6:38 AM 2164 in reply to 2162

    Re: VUWSA-motion to remove Environmental officer!!!!

    Hey Jess,

     Great idea, I'll see what I can dream up this weekend. Also, anyone keen on getting some chalk and writting DON'T infront of all the Vote A-team writtings all over the quad?

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