Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Mukamuka Munter

Last post 05-06-2007, 10:08 AM by Annabel. 3 replies.
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  •  28-05-2007, 5:37 PM 1199

    Mukamuka Munter

    Hi all, a bunch of Wellington multi-sporters have organised a mountain run/competitive tramp as a fundraiser for an international competition they are hoping to go to.

     See attachment for the details but salient points are:

    • The race course is the Mukamuka stream tramp i.e. Orongorongo river -> Turakirae head ->Mukamuka stream -> South Saddle (of Mt Matthews) -> Orongorongo river -> Catchpool valley (i.e. the last part of the race is the route to/from this years bushball).
    • Can compete as a runner or tramper (trampers must race with a 15kg pack...)
    • Prizes for fastest person over 100kg and less than 60kg....
    • Prize for the most represented club - yay!  This is our chance to shine!

    So, I hope to see you all at the start line for this excellent event (you'll all be fighting fit after mid year)!

    If you don't want to compete Shane is looking for helpers, details below.


    > aside from entry I am on the lookout for marshals. What I need is:

    For the run:

    - Run tail end charlie. Someone to walk / trot behind the last placed racer and confirm that no-one gets lost. (Yeah, ok. This one is a bit of effort).

    - Mukumuku Valley entrance marshal “ to ensure people go up the right valley. Best entrance is from the end of Western Lake Road in the Wairarapa. Drive in access is possible if you have a trail bike or a 4wd (and know how to drive either). Otherwise a 4 km (ish) return walk. Again, nice on a nice day

    - South Saddle Morale booster someone to tramp into South Saddle from Catchpool Creek, with chocolates and jelly beans, and hand them out to the runners as they pass through. This one could be an overnighter (camp on the saddle) or an early morning start. A bit of fun if you fancy a night out...kinda cool if you take a a 'friend' along!...

    As this is a fundraiser I cannot offer too much $$ I will provide some chocolate and a $10 petrol voucher. You are allowed to mock anyone as they pass. If you are keen and able to help please let me know.

  •  28-05-2007, 9:19 PM 1200 in reply to 1199

    Re: Mukamuka Munter


     Whats the date? I am going to feel realy stupid if it was up there some were...


  •  29-05-2007, 8:39 AM 1208 in reply to 1199

    Re: Mukamuka Munter

    Hey for everyone keen on some madness, the Mukamuka Munter is the 29 July (with a contingency date of 5 August). Entries need to be in by 20 July so would be mean to get a big club contingent going to show the world how tough VUWTC are!

    If you are keen for more details, or the entry form, flick me an email and I'll forward them on!

  •  05-06-2007, 10:08 AM 1246 in reply to 1208

    Re: Mukamuka Munter

    Hey for anyone interested, Shane (the guy organising this crazed event) just sent me an email update on the event:

    A group of us ran and walked over the Mukumuku Course this last Saturday and we learned a few things. They are:

    1. It is actually the Mukamuka Stream and valley (note the 'a' instead of the 'u')
    2. The course is awesome. Everybody rated it and regarded it as possibly the best C2C training run in Wellington
    3. That it can be done at a fast walk in the 5 hour mark
    4. That the fastest runners could cut it out in around 2 hours 30 minutes
    5. That Vodafone coverage is non existent but Telecom Mobile has good coverage most of the way around the coast and on the hills
    6. That I need to go back in and mark the last km up the Valley to the Saddle
    7. That the hardest part of the race is that last hill on the Orongorongo Track back up to the carpark
    8. That I would be hit by each and every competitor if I made you run from the top carpark down to the DOC office to finish

    I captured the route on GPS and will send out a bitmap image once I have loaded it into my mapping software to those that are interested. If you
    want to join me on another trip through the course let me know and I'll publish a date.


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