Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Re: The picnic is back!

  •  16-02-2009, 12:38 PM

    Re: The picnic is back!

    Also, in this vein, trying to sign the hut books at Herepai, Drac, Andersons, Maungahuka, Kime and Alpha within one 24hr period is quite doable, however getting right out to Kaitoke within that same period was just a touch too far.

     cheers Kieran and Ben that was a great trip!  and big ups to Guy and Belle - sounds trite but couldn't have done it without you!

     4.14am Leave Putara

    5.26am Arrive Herepai

    5.32am Dep Herepai

    6.43am East Peak

    9.00am Dundas trig

    9.53am Arete

    11.27am Arrive Drac biv

    11.47am dep Drac

    1.34pm Nichols

    3.22pm arrive Andersons Hut

    3.38pm dep Andersons

    6.45pm arrive Maungahuka

    7.07 dep Maungahuka

    10.09pm arrive Kime

    10.23 dep Kime

    1.11am arrive Alpha hut

    1.23am dep Alpha

    3.18am Block 16

    7.08am Richard arrive Kaitoke

    7.22am Kieran and Ben arrive Kaitoke.

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