Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Baring Head - This Saturday!! (15/03) + Directions!!

  •  12-03-2008, 1:22 AM

    Baring Head - This Saturday!! (15/03) + Directions!!

    Howdy all,

    Thought I might let those who don't know know what going on this Saturday. Its the first Rock Craft trip of the year and we're heading to a secluded bouldering wonderland called Baring Head. Its about 40 minute drive around the habour + 15min walk along the beach to get there. It'll cost you nothing but $5 to cover petrol for your driver. We're meeting at the Hunter Carpark at Uni (behind the student union building) at 9a.m. or whenever you can coerce your driver out of bed. Its recommended that you bring:

    1) yourself

    2) sunblock

    3) water

    4) something to eat/snack on (there'll be a bbq taken along, just bring some meat or whatever)

    5) something to drink (optional but nothing beats a cold brew while climbing)

    6) togs/swim wear (again optional, swimming in recommended only at certain places around the head or the in the river)

    7) sturdy shoes to climb in

    8) sense of adventure :)

    There's plenty of bouldering there and we'll also set up some top ropes and bring harnesses and shoes for people to use. Directions are fairly straight forward and its hard to get lost.

    1) get form uni to the motorway and head North

    2) take State Highway 2 until the Petone exit (if you hit big roadworks you've gone too far)

    3) go over the bridge and right at the round-about and head along the Petone waterfront - keep going all the way and go over the next bridge

    4) go right at the first round about and head toward Seaview (third exit on to Seaview Rd, across the bridge), turn left at the next round-about

    5) follow the signs to Wainuiomatua (second right and then first left) an you'll start heading up a hill after going through a short tunnel

    6) drive up and over the hill and back down, this takes you into Wainuiomatua, turn right at the round-about and just follow this road (Wainuiomatua Rd)

    7) watch out for the speed camera and keep following this road, turning right/going straight at each round (along Main Rd)

    8) eventually the town will disappear and you'll be on Coast rd which you follow until almost the bitter end. Park next to the road down by the beach with the rest of the cars and walk east until you hit the big rock like boulders which are made of rock. You are now at Baring Head :)

    Hope to see you all there




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