Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Exciting scheming going on....

heyhey everyone!

There's some exciting stuff going on with the tramping club in the next few weeks, so throw away those books and dust off your boots!! This weekend we're doing a Bash on Thru course- Hazel is organising it and will put some details about it up on the website soon but it's an awesome weekend of learning lots about navigation and bush skills (or just running round like crazy people). This is a change from the calendar, but we've decided to postpone hut bagging (again) because we're keen for it to be a massive event involving as many people as possible (we're really determined to get most of the Tararua huts) and also think Winter is probably not the best time for it, so it will probably be going on late September. Anyway Bash on Thru will be mean!!

And then next weekend we've got our annual snowcaving trip which should be awesome. The plan this year is to get right up onto the Summit Plateau (weather permitting) and dig the cave there and have a barbeque and a game of croquet so should be a fun, crazy weekend! This trip will be limited in numbers and you really need a bit of experience to come along (it does involve sleeping on an ice plateau above 2000m) but drop me or Craig Scott an email or have a chat to a committee person tomorrow night if you've got any questions or want to find out a bit more.

And then it's the holidays again (yay!!) and there's heaps of crazy scheming going on here involving climbing trips to Payne's Ford, climbing Ngaurahoe, tramping round Stewart Island and all kinds of fun stuff so keep an eye on the website to find out what's going on!!

The meeting this Tuesday is in Meeting Room 3, where Scotty will be sharing his European adventures with us and then next Tuesday we'll be in Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 with a dude coming along who is researching past VUWTC tramping songs which sound hilarious so it should be a fun night! Over the holidays we'll be down to the pub, but I'll post up more details about that closer to the time.

See you in the hills!


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<August 2007>
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