Calling all keen trampers, all of you punters who've been using school or work as excuses to pike the last few weeks, and anyone else who enjoys super-crazy (more than)-possibly-boozy definitly unique and otherwise awsome weekend adventures! These next few are not to be missed!
This weekend is ROCKCRAFT, and so long as ollie bribes the weather gods well enough, its sure to be a great couple of days of climbing up at Wharepapa South, with awsome climbs for all levels, lots of people drinking strange beers (see previous rockcraft forum discussion), and possibly some caveing :-o
Next weekend is the party-of-all-parties, BUSHBALL! This year's theme is formal, so start digging out those suits boys, and laying out the dresses girls, its almost party time!
To sign up or for more details on these and other upcoming trips, come along to this tuesday's meeting, back in the SUB, rooms 1&2, 7:30.
Happy Monday!