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Hey all, in celebration of 23 Bruce Ave finally getting rid of me, we are throwing a party! It will be in celebration of lots of other cool stuff too, like Jason getting accepted into cool canadian schools, Anna-marie moving in, and several forgotten birthdays (i'm sure).
Friday the 18th of Feb, 23 Bruce Ave, from 7ish.
Sometime on saturday, ...
Hey all,
yes we're finally having a party! This is a rather delayed birthday celebration for me, Jess, Mikey and Manoel, and since we've not really had a flat warming its doubling as that too. There's a cocktail theme, so break out those cocktail dresses and tuxes (if you have such things) and come prepared for some creative concoctions!
Also ...
2 for 1 cocktails - need I say more? We are also celebrating (mourning?) the fact that Jess is leaving our flat, the end of exams, Guy Fawkes and... anything! Do you need an excuse to drink cocktails?
Chow is on Tory St, just next to Burger King. I have booked a table for 10 at 9.30pm (awaiting confirmation) - they have some quite nice ...
Hey all- In order to celebrate uni holidays another crazy-wonderful year, there will be a party tomorrow night at our flat!!!
come along from 6, bring some food, drinks, and anything else you can think of to keep things lively :)
I've got the beginings of some excellent cocktails, so contributions to the pool of ingredients would be ...