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just to keep spamming everyone, and procrastinate at work...
If you didn't get a copy of Baa, it can be downloaded from the website under downloads.
For those who didn't get one, I'll get some more printed for next meeting.
All going to plan, there should be a nice shinny new edition of baa ready for this tuesday's meeting, so come along and get a copy. It's a really good read. i've just finished reading through, and there is many a tale adventure. come and grab a copy, but never fear, you have not missed your chance for tramping club fame and glory!heels, will be ...
so. I have finished my design stuff for the semester and now have time for making a cool baa to come out early next semester. Now i know you are all burning to be published authors so here's a chance for fame and glory (and chocolate).
Procrastinate from exams Now! and do something productive at the same time!
It doesn't have ...
Also looking at producing a Baa for summer adventures, hopefully to come out middle of termish.
I know everyone's been doing cool stuff, so write it up, and give it to me or steve.