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Anyone want to go up Mt Matthews or a similar day walk in the Orongorongos such as the Orongorongo Loop Track instead of or alongside this?
I could provide car transport to Catchpool valley and back again and would be looking to start from Wellington at around 9am. I am also up for a nice lunch on the top including a fry up or something. We ...
Ok the plan for this is to head into the Belmont Regional Park for a day walk this weekend. It will be whichever of Saturday or Sunday is best weatherwise. I’ll make a call on Friday. Along the way there is a diverse range of landforms and vegetation as well as old amunition bunkers from WW2.
We do need a good ...
This came a step closer to becoming law this week when this Bill passed its second reading.
The bill now has to pass its committee and third reading stages before becoming law, but this might not happen this year before the summer recess because Parliament is running out of sitting days and private member's bills (of which this is one) are only ...
There is a lunchtime forum co-hosted by Kevin Hague Green MP and Craig Potton, wildflife photographer and author on Thursday 23 September at 12.15pm (seminar room 1, St Andrews on the Terrace).
The Mokihinui, on the West Coast of the South Island, is one of New Zealand's last remaining wild rivers and is under ...
The day trip is on Sunday. Meet at Hunter car park at 9am if keen and bring a car if you have one.
Ok the plan for this is to head into the Rimutaka FP for a day loop walk down to the Orongorongo valley and back out. It will be whichever of Saturday or Sunday is best weatherwise. At this stage this is likely to be Sunday but I’ll make a call on Friday. An easier option could be East Harbour FP.
You will need to bring:
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The trip this weekend is a gourmet tramp (actually it’s more of an eating exercise with the odd drink or two for good measure as well) where we descend on some unsuspecting hut someone in the hills probably quite close by with the general idea to make some nice food not usually enjoyed on regular tramps. In the past we have had pizza, ...
This will be at my place at 20 Zetland St in Highbury. Check out how to get there here
Bring beer and food from 7pm. There will be sausages and T sauce provided.
See you there.
Mattress and legs included. Its a few years old but still comfy and in great nick.
It needs to be gone from my place by Xmas, if not I'll be donating it to the Salvation Army or something similar.
Let me know if you'd like it. First in first served.
The plan would be to drive to North Egmont Friday night and then camp in the shelter there and then head up to the summit early on Saturday have a play in the crater and then head over to Syme Hut for Saturday night and then down to Dawson Falls and along the plateau track back to North Egmont visitor centre on Sunday and then drive back to ...
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