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Jewel coloured tarns on the Red Hills range

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Jewel coloured tarns on the Red Hills range
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  • Model: SP-3000
You wouldn't want to drink the water, but this is one of the most distinctive landscapes in New Zealand, thankfully saved from mining in the late 1970s



jeff said:

u r moen!!!

5:00 PM on May 7, 2010

Ur mumma said:

what the *** is tis it should be mined its a pile of ***

5:01 PM on May 7, 2010

tom said:

hug a tree, save a whale, who gives a ***

5:02 PM on May 7, 2010


Enjoying the scrub gardens of the upper Arawhata

3 total photos
Last updated on 12/2/2009

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Gorge river

36 total photos
Last updated on 12/2/2009


Posted By: Richard
Viewed: 2839
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