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Volunteer for Youthline. Yeeeah!!

Last post 29-06-2010, 9:51 PM by Sarah Miller. 0 replies.
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  •  29-06-2010, 9:51 PM 5339

    Volunteer for Youthline. Yeeeah!!



    Have you ever thought about doing some volunteer work? Well now is a good time!

    Youthline Wellington needs volunteers and is having its next intake in July.


    Here are 5 great reasons for getting in touch:

    1. Youthline is a great way to give back to your community and get that amazing feeling you get from helping someone out and really making a difference. It is a really rewarding experience.
    2. Youthline supports its counsellors. There is full training provided and you get fortnightly group supervision. Youthline is flexible so you can choose to do your 3 or more phone duties a month at times that best suit your schedule. 
    3. As well as phone counselling, once you are a volunteer there are tonnes of opportunities to get involved in other ways. For example, fundraising, management and administration of the organisation, school visits, helping out with volunteer intakes and being able to use your expert skills to help us in ways we haven't even thought of yet! All this extra stuff is just if you have time, but it's lots of fun and it looks great on your CV!
    4. You get to meet and make friends with some really amazing, generous people. Youthline has a really warm, community feel. Most of our volunteers are between 18 and 30 years old, but there are older and younger ones too.
    5. If you're not sure, you can change your mind about volunteering at any point during the selection process. If you get in touch, we will send you some more information for you to consider. You can also check out our website.

    If you are interested, call our office phone number (04 801 6924) or send us an email with your contact details:


    It would also  be great if you could send this email out to your networks or anyone in particular you think would be a great phone counsellor.


    Thank you!

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