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New Years - 90 mile beach?

Last post 02-12-2009, 10:48 AM by CraigR. 4 replies.
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  •  15-11-2009, 9:02 PM 4870

    New Years - 90 mile beach?

    Anyone keen on 90 mile beach for new years? Plan would be to wild camp, wild drink and have wild fun! If you are keen let me know.



    Craig Ryburn
    Filed under:
  •  16-11-2009, 1:42 PM 4874 in reply to 4870

    Re: New Years - 90 mile beach?

    I am keen that sounds like a great idea.


  •  16-11-2009, 5:31 PM 4876 in reply to 4870

    Re: New Years - 90 mile beach?

    Sounds bluddy marvelous!
    Adam Williams
    021 239 9543
  •  02-12-2009, 9:52 AM 4916 in reply to 4876

    Re: New Years - South island

    Right, so, it appears that 90 mile beach has fallen apart and is unlikely to happen now unless I am ill informed.  I was wondering if anyone is keen on the south island.  I am not sure what it would be but is likely to involve an over loaded ford laser and a whole lot of fun.  Some of this fun could be climbing some could be tramping and road tripping about.  I have never made it to Invercargill and I am sure that is a metropolis of fun


    If you are keen or think you are keen or are doing this already and can get me a place on the ferry and a seat in the car let me know.


    There is stuff all options left on ferries after Christmas so what ever happens we better think about it soon




  •  02-12-2009, 10:48 AM 4917 in reply to 4916

    Re: New Years - South island

    yeah sorry, looks like I am piking to the Kieran trip!


    Craig R 

    Craig Ryburn
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