Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Last post 26-03-2007, 1:22 PM by Andrea. 0 replies.
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  •  26-03-2007, 1:22 PM 429


    So, next thing on our busy agenda is Bushcraft!

    This is a great opportunity to learn (and practice) all those tramping skills you've probably heard of: setting up tents that hopefully won't fall down in a breeze, river crossing techniques that mean you don't get swept away in NZ's angry rivers, navigation using maps and compasses (always useful and challenging in a white out in the Tararuas) and a bit of experience of tramping the old-fashioned way - off track. There might even be a few new easter egg trees spontaneously fruiting, although I can't guarantee you'll find them.

    The plan is to head into the Tararuas on Friday night, so meet in the Hunter carpark at 6pm. Come along to the meeting this Tuesday to sign up, and to hear a bit more about what's happening, and perhaps learn a few more tips about using this wonderful website. If you can't make the meeting, send me an email on and I'll try and get you into a group. 

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