Hi there!
The weather is pretty much undecided, so I thought of something "valley, 1/2 standard, 1/2 off the beaten track":
Let's go to Sayer Hut (DOC page, NZ topomap and a nice description here).
Here is a no car-version of the over-night tramp:
Saturday: We catch the Wairarapa service (9:55 AM from Wellington Station) to Woodside, walk north from there, ford the Waiohine river or go via Coal Stream track and pick up the traditional freshers walk to Totara Flats. Finding the right spot, we get to Sayer Hut by crossing the Waiohine river again.
Sunday: We walk out to Mangaterere Road and see that we get to the Matarawa train station not too late, not too early (5:11PM train to Wellington).
Fitness Rating: medium, we might do more or less off-track-stuff, depending on the group.
With a car available, we do something similar. :-)
Contact: Achim <dot> Gaedke <at> gmail <dot> com or o2Io4994o2