Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Adventures this weekend!!

  •  30-11-2009, 3:48 PM

    Adventures this weekend!!

    Hey, so I'm planning to go catch up with that smelly girl who moved to Whakatane a while ago (I think her name was Annabel) by going for a tramp, climb or some other crazy adventure this weekend. Anyone else keen?

    There are various plans depending on the weather that go something like this:

    • Weather good - perfect: go for a climb on Ruapehu (specifically the east ridge of Mitre from Tukino side), camp on the summit plateau and build an eskimo village (depending on the amount of snow up there for igloo construction). The climb would probably involve ropes, but there are other easier, walking options up from Tukino or the other skifield roads so people can meet us up there.


    • Weather average: tramp in the Kaimanawas? I haven't been to Waipakihi Hut yet, it would be a fairly keen but doable weekend - still a lot of tops on one day so could be a good option if only half the weekend looks like crap weather :)


    • Weather really shite: stay home and drink.

    So basically if you're keen for any of the above (the first option will require some snow experience on ice axe/crampons, the second a reasonable level of fitness and the third bugger all) then either let me know at the meeting tomorrow night or drop me an email at

    I'll update you later in the week as to what is actually happening! :)



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