Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Rock Craft 3

  •  11-08-2009, 11:01 PM

    Rock Craft 3

    Rock Craft 3 is this weekend!!

     This is an instuctional climbing trip designed to cater for all abilities, so if you have never climbed before or are a guru come along! We will be teaching everything from basic climbing skills, to leading, and if people are keen trad climbing!

    The plan is to go to Whanganui bay, but if the weather is not good there we might go else where. Will keep you updated!

     So the plan is:

    Friday :Meet Hunter Car Park 6pm, drive to Whanganui Bay (or where ever we end up going)

    Saturday: climbing :)

    Sunday: Climbing, returning to Wellington late evening.



    Pack to walk just incase the road is not driveable

    Bring all normal camping gear and climbing gear if you have it

    If you don't have climbing gear the club will supply it. Just a quick note here, the club has limited harnesses, so first in first serve, with preference going to those who where on Rock Craft 2, but at the moment lots of room still for more :)

     The club also supplies cookers, tents, billies etc

    If you don't have rock climbing shoes, tell us what size, and if the club doesn't have any they can be hired from Fergs for $10 per day. Please go down there Wed or another time this week and book and pay for them. we can pick them up friday night.



    $50 (pay to club) plus bring $10 cash to pay for camping


    So if you are keen to come please contact Kate ( , 021 156 9247)

    please tell her:

    if you have a car

    if you have your own climbing gear

    if you need shoes and if so what size

    if you have any dietary requirements


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