Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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  •  15-06-2008, 2:53 PM

    AIC I

    Hi Everyone

    The first alpine instruction course is happening on Mt Ruapehu this weekend 20-22 June.

    The course will cover walking in snow, use of crampons and an ice axe and general alpine safety.

    For all those who signed up, you should've or will be contacted asking to confirm and pay the trip cost of $60 at this Tuesday's meeting at the Welsh Dragon bar. This is important as places on the trip are limited and preference needs to be given to those who are also coming on the Mid Winter trip to Arthur's Pass to ensure that they have the necessary skills for that trip.

    We will be meeting at the Hunter car park on Friday night at 5.30pm and driving up. We will stop for takeaways on Friday night and camp at a campsite near the mountain. The club has tents but you are also welcome to bring your own. We will then head up the mountain early on Saturday morning and stay at a hut on the mountain Saturday night and return to Wellington Sunday evening.

    Once you have confirmed you will be placed into a small group and contacted by your leader regarding group food for Saturday night. You will need 2 x breakfasts and lunches and enough snacks for the weekend. It is also very important that you have all of the necessary gear.  Please check our gear list here.

    So please make sure you confirm or otherwise, and pay for the trip so that groups can be finalised.

    Also if you miss out on this AIC trip there will be opportunities next term to learn snow skills on Ruapehu.

    027 446 5275
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