Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Re: Bushball 2008

  •  20-05-2008, 3:23 PM

    Re: Bushball 2008

    Hello all,

    I know this is a bit late in the day to suggest it, but I have had a couple of requests for photos from the weekend. Sadly, my camera conked out early in the afternoon and any photos you may remember me taking after that time were most probably on borrowed cameras. Of course, I am quite keen to get my mits on these photos too. So I thought I would suggest that people with cameras bring the photos along tonight and we can all deposit into the village computer. Once a total collection has been assembled, people with massive flash drives can take what they want.

    I will also kindly volunteer my services to chase up the missing cameras from the evening and compile a full CD/DVD at a cost of 50c - $1 of all photos that are not too incriminating to warrant inclusion.

    Any objections to this plan will be considered but probably ignored.

    Thank you for your time.



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