Annual Membership Fee
$20 Student
$30 Non-Student
This gives you access to a number of discounts around town, cheap climbing at Fergs, free gear hire from the club for club trips and access to any of the club trips through out the year.
We are involved in a wide range of outdoor activities: rock climbing, mountaineering, mountain biking and of course tramping. Our membership includes non-students as well as students, staff and anyone else keen to join. There are trips designed for people of all grades of fitness and experience. They are led and run by experienced club members who were at some stage beginners and can relate to the novice tramper.
Information about club trips coming up are posted on the website and announced at club meeings. Details about food, gear, transport cost and payment etc. are usually arranged at the Tuesday meeting before the weekend. If you are planning to go on the trip please be at this meeting or contact the trip organiser.
If you sign up for a trip but then find that you must pull out, please do so before the Tuesday prior to the trip.
Transport for weekend trips usually leaves from the Hunter Car park, between the Hunter Building and the lowest floor of the Student Union Building, on Friday nights. Please advise your trip leader of any relevant medical conditions.
Do not hesitate to contact any of the committee members regarding any problems you may have.
All trips have a contact person who has the trip details; who is on the trip, where it is going, when it is expected to return, what gear is carried and other relevant information. The Chief Guide also has a copy of this information. If the trip contact person cannot be located then ring the Chief Guide.