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A medium fit trip to the alpine Northern Tararuas
Costs: 25NZD transport, food share, hut tickets
Time: Leaving Friday 20 June, 5:30PM - Coming back Sunday 22 June, evening (same year)
A tentative schedule:
Friday:2.5 h drive to Putara Rd.1 h shopping/fastfood2 h walking to Roaring StagSaturday:7 h Dundas Hut viaCattle Ridge↑ 1400 m ...
as seen from Cattle Ridge close to Cattle Ridge Hut
Mon, April 21stWe (Matt, Keith and Achim) started in the afternoon on Monday, trying to drive up as far north as possible. In one go we reach Pak'nSave for shopping in Napier. I (Achim) had three different tramps in mind (Waikareiti/Manuoha Loop, Whakatane/Waikare Loop and something at the Te Urewera Mainland Island / Tauranga river with access ...
This report was written by Verena Engel for Bush Craft 2014 in Otaki Forks/Tararua Ranges, 12th and 13th of April 2014. Participants were Achim, Brendan, Cécile, Dom, Ivan, Meridith, Rob, Vanessa and Verena.
I found this in a facebook page, might be of interest to club people:
Come and celebrate the last Tuesday before Uni starts with a bonfire at Makara Beach!! The majority will be meeting at the Hunter Carpark at uni at 5:30pm and heading off to the beach. The usual meeting will also be at 7:30pm at the Welsh Dragon Bar then we will go to Makara at ...
I'm replacing the Carkeek trip with a Waiopehu/Ohau expedition...
Leaving on Friday
at 6PM from Hunter car park, we drive up to Poads Road End/Levin and
walk in to Waiopehu hut or Te Matawai (depends on how people feel...)
And on Saturday we might have a short expedition to Arete (for the
view!) and get back via Ohau river and North Ohau ...
Ok, here comes the weekend thing:The trip to Carkeek will be pretty much a copy of my last Carkeek weekend, we will do a maintenance trip to one of ''our'' huts. - But this time, we can take advantage of cleaned mattresses (thanks, Beth and Francis), clean walls, a big frying pan and heaps of firewood (thanks to all)... AND the track & marking ...
There are 5 club T-shirts left:2 W Small2 M eXtra Large1 M Small
20 NZD each!
Hi there!
Some notes from my Sunday afternoon walk in the Tauherenikau Valley.
Beginners mistake: Take your map out of your trousers' pockets when crossing a river. It might get wet or float away... mine got wet and wasn't laminated or in a plastic bag.
Good walking: Some more gavel came down the slips passing the lower track at Smith Creek SW ...
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