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Since the weather is looking good this weekend(20-22) we will be running rock craft finally. If you missed sign ups at the meeting email me at we are still meeting in the hunter car park at 5 on friday and returning late sunday.
Unfortunately due to rain this trip is being postponed until the 20th of may.
Hey, this weekend(may 7th -8th) we will be running rockcraft II to wharepapa.
The goal of the trip is to teach everyone basic climbing skills and hopefully getting everyone to the point where they are comfortable to lead climb.No prior experience or gear is required. Climbing shoes are HIGHLY recommended though and can be ...
Some info about the climbing/camping there plus some photos.
Hey everyone just a reminder that rockcraft is tomorrow We are meeting at 9.30 in the hunter car park and then heading to baring head. No experience is required and we have all of the gear you will need. Remember $5 for your driver.
Stuff to remember:1) yourself2) sunblock3) water4) something to eat/snack on (there'll be ...
Hey, Im thinking I might head down for this since I have work off. What time are you planning on getting down there?