Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Poll: Pouakai or Ruapehu this weekend?

  •  16-01-2012, 4:32 PM

    Poll: Pouakai or Ruapehu this weekend?


    The next weekend is a long one - at least for Wellingtonians. We have the choice!

    The 'Pouakai circuit' is fairly easy with three days, maybe we have a day to walk up Mt Taranaki. Have a look to this post.

    The 'Round the mountain trip' (Ruapehu) will be a 3day@10h trip. To avoid great walk huts:

    1. Friday: drive up to Mangahuia camp site, stay there at night
    2. Saturday: Leave car at Whakapapa village and walk clockwise to Rangipo Hut (1500m)
    3. Sunday: Continue to Mangaturuturu Hut (optionally via Tahurangi (keen=2797m))
    4. Monday: Back to Whakapapa Village and drive home

    How does everyone feel?

    Contact me at xxx .

    Or come on Tuesday and drink a beer at 7.30PMish in the Welsh Dragon.

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