Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Over night trip Sept 10/11th

  •  09-09-2011, 7:17 PM

    Over night trip Sept 10/11th

    On Saturday we take the train (!) to Woodside (Wairarapa) - 14 NZD pp. It leaves 9:55 from Wellington Station.

    From there we go to Tutuwai Hut (pretty easy, 3 tickets, gas stoves installed) and - if we are keen - further up to Alpha Hut (river crossing + 900 m up, 1 ticket).

    On Sunday, we go out to Kaitoke. A taxi from there is about 40 NZD for all to Upper Hut station... train: 8.50 NZD per person to Wellington.

    So, breakfast, lunch: organize yourself. Dinner: Pot-luck sounds good, we can sort that out, when we meet at Thorndon NewWorld (upper entrance) at 9 AM. I will organize the train tickets beforehand.

    Equipment: I will pack the cooking stuff (fuel stove, pots). Please bring plate, cutlery...
    Please bring head torches!

    Cheers, Achim
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