Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Easy walk W/E 13 Aug

  •  12-08-2011, 3:01 PM

    Easy walk W/E 13 Aug

    Hello everybody,

    Going out for a gentle saunter up in the Belmont region this weekend.. This will be an easy walk of ten kilometres round trip, aiming for taking 4/6 hours.

    The plan is to get the 11am train to Petone (about $15 return, ask for a "day rover"), and from there head into the park, stopping for a picnic at some point. I would like to do a crossing from the Hutt side into the Porirua side, but I'll confirm the exact route later.

    You'll want to take a waterproof overcoat, some water (1L+), trail snacks, and something for the picnic. You should be able to get away with some sturdy trainers (i.e. not ones with holes etc), but as always you'll probably find walking boots better if you have them. 

    There's a Pak n Save in Petone, so if needed you can stop off in there before heading out, for nibbles etc.

    Weather is average for Saturday, so probably do this on Sunday, unless anyone would prefer otherwise?

    If people could post on here, or get in contact by mobile (022 628 3096) if they're interested in coming along, that'd be swell y'all. 
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