Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Furniture Needed - anyone got stuff to get rid of?

  •  19-09-2010, 7:22 PM

    Furniture Needed - anyone got stuff to get rid of?

    Can you help?


    Refugee Services Furniture Bank is in urgent need of the following items to help resettle a group of

    quota refugees arriving into the Greater Wellington area in the first week of October.

    These refugees will be resettled into the Hutt Valley, Porirua and Wellington.


    The critical items needed are quality fridges, double beds, blankets, dining chairs, couches,

    easy (lounge chairs), drawers and Curtains. We are also short a couple of cots are needed.


    Then there are the “nice to have” items of microwaves, bedside cabinets, and coffee tables.

    TVs aren’t needed as have sufficient already and have almost all the dining tables required.

    The items need to be in good condition and free of any borer (for wood items), tears and stains,

    animal hairs etc for the soft furnishings.


    Refugee Services is also trying to arrange temporary storage in the Porirua area, so that items

    sourced there, can stay in the area until the house set up days, which will probably be 1st and 2nd

    October (Friday and Saturday), otherwise they would be brought back to Taita (closest storage

    point) and taken back again, with only a small transit van available.


    Three house set up days for Lower Hutt and Wellington are planned for Monday 4th October

    through to Wednesday 6th October, so if you can donate for these areas before that time frame

    that would be brilliant. Collection can be arranged during the week beginning Monday 26th



    Can you help with any of these items, and/or temporary storage?

    If so, please contact:


    Liz Barrett Phone: (04) 805 0306 Email:

    And collection can be arranged

    For more information about Refugee Services:


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