Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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The complete guide to Midwinter Christmas this weekend

  •  21-07-2010, 2:30 PM

    The complete guide to Midwinter Christmas this weekend

    The complete guide to Midwinter Christmas this weekend

    We missed some important details of the trip this weekend. Here's everything you need to know!

    1. Who's organising this weekend? Kate Williman ( and Bryan O'Leary (

    2. How much is it to come this weekend? $25 to us for transport, plus a DoC hut ticket, plus $? shared cost of food.

    3. How do I pay the club? The most convenient option is to pay via online banking to VUWTC, 06-0606-0120103-00, and include your name and Xmas as the deposit reference. IMPORTANT - if you make your payment this way, email us (addresses above) to let us know. Alternatively, you can bring along $25 on Saturday - look for the person with the cash deposit box!

    4. What's a DoC hut ticket and how do I get one? There is a charge to stay in DoC huts - see for more details. Rangiwahia hut is a serviced hut, which means it's $15 to stay. Alternatively, you can get a backcountry hut pass ( This is recommended if you intend to go to more than 6 (non-Great Walk) huts over the next year. VUWTC has a limited number of FMC cards that give you a 30% discount on the price of one year's subscription, bringing it to $90. Email us (address at top of page), for more details. Currently, we get club members to take responsibility for their own hut tickets. You can pick hut tickets up at these places:

    5. How does this weekend work? This week, we will sort you into food/transport groups and assign you a leader. (IMPORTANT - email us using the address at the top if you have any special food requirements, e.g. vegetarian). We will then send out a meeting on Friday telling you whose group you are in. Meet at Hunter Carpark at 9:30am on Saturday (IMPORTANT - this is an earlier time than previously advertised!). Check out "Where are we? (Meetings, Hunter Carpark) under the Quick Links list on this page. Drive to the Ruahines (3 hours) and walk to Rangiwahia hut (2 - 3 hours). Play in the snow (if available), stay the night, and walk out on Sunday. Should be back at a respectable time on Sunday evening.

    6. What should I bring for this trip? You need to supply your own snackfood, breakfast, and lunch for Sunday. Your leader might also ask you to bring something for Saturday night (or they might sort the food themselves and get you to pay something. Check out the Gear to Take link under the Quick Links list on this page for a complete list of gear you need to bring. There might be some snow up around the hut, so boots are definitely recommended! Also make sure that you have a pack liner - again, email us for more details. Some sort of warming alcoholic beverage is recommended. SECRET SANTA - bring something small for Santa's sack!

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