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Hangdog closed!!! :(

  •  05-05-2010, 6:48 PM

    Hangdog closed!!! :(

    I got forwarded this. I would recommend writing a hard copy real letter to the council so that they can not just press the delete button!

    Hi lovely hangdog folk!
    in case u hadn't heard, hangdog got closed today and we all got given only 24hrs to find somewhere else to live - *** biscuits!

    Seems the council has a new camp inspector who clearly needs a girlfriend or something and he has declared that hangdog is unsafe to live in because:
    NO washing machine (!?)
    NO filtered water ( no-one has ever got ill at hangdog )
    NO license ( seems Celia thought this wasnt needed for past 2yrs )

    It appears he wants hangdog to build TOP10 style wash/toilet blocks with laundry facilities....

    Celia is certain that hangdog will open again in summer but it will be vastly more expensive to cover cost of new installations.

    Please find time to use the below link to give your views to the council on this. Please be constructive and make lots of references to climbers ending up camping in Paynes Ford reserve and the issues with DOC that this raises.

    ore even better send to: 

    PO Box 74, Takaka 7142 

    Big love!
    Tom the hangdog Pom.. :o) xx

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