The VUWTC Bush Ball is coming up in less than three weeks.
Its an annual club event and a massive one at that. Everyone will be there. A fantastic party in the bush! Music lights dancing and partying all out in the forest. All are welcome. Come along to the Tuesday meeting at the student union building 7.30pm to find out more and to buy tickets.
Venue: Raukawa Lodge - The Orongorongo Valley. (Same as last years place)

Date Saturday 23rd of May 2009
Time Saturday late afternoon till Sunday morning.
Drinks: BYO drinks.
Bring: It's a bush ball so its formal theme- so bring in a shirt and tie, or a dress/gown. As well as this bring your normal tramping gear: warm clothes, bedroll, plate and cutlery, a cup rain jacket and snacks and breakfast
Accomodation - the actual hut is used for partying all night! So bring a tent (if you plan to sleep), or if you dont have one perhaps talk to Craig Scot about a club Fly.
Tickets $10
Transport: On Saturday afternoon (1.30pm ish) people will meet at Hunter carpark (some with cars). So turn up get in a car and pay your driver some money for the petrol. Its just a 45 min drive to catchpool valley. People can stop on the way to get liquor and dinner food. Then walk into the party venue (approx 1 hour - 1hour 30min).
How to get there:
Drive out to Wainuiomata (over a hill from Petone), then go straight ahead right through Wainuiomata and continue 12km down the Coast Road. The turn off to the catchpool car park is on the left. (You will see a DOC sign. and then a gate) Drive to the end of the car park road to a carpark.
Walk along the Orongorongo track to Orongorongo river (Doc says its 2 hours - expect it to take 1 - 1.5 hours). There is a map on the nice arched bridge you cross just before the main river showing where Raukawa lodge is. Raukawa lodge is just accross the Orongorongo river and slightly down stream (200m - 10 min walk).
Note the car park gate is locked at DUSK. (5pm) so arriving before then is a good idea.

Further infomation will be presented at the next few tramping club meetings and placed here on the website.
Tickets will be on sale at the next few tramping club meetings.
Note the ticket price covers the venue hire, generator and fuel, lighting etc and includes a Keg and punch and some party food. However it's bring your own dinner and drinks, as sometimes the keg and punch go fast....