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Environment and humanity going ons

  •  21-07-2008, 11:22 AM

    Environment and humanity going ons

    * Dev-Zone film screening – Irene

                            Monday 21st July, from 5:30pm

                            Dev-Zone, level 2, James Smith building, corner of Cuba and Manners Malls


    To celebrate the launch of the latest edition of Just Change, Dev-Zone are hosting a film screening. Irene is a film about the battle for respect faced by an HIV-positive woman in the Pacific. The film won Oxfam's top documentary award and was banned in Vanuatu, so should be interesting!


    Come along for coffee and chocolate from 5:30pm and the movie will start at 6pm.




    * Island Bay World Service teach-in

                            Tuesday 22nd July, 7pm

                            Southern Cross bar, 39 Abel Smith Street


    Island Bay World Service are hosting a short film followed by presentation/ debate around current global issues.


    This should be of interest to all groups and individuals who realise that the world faces some pretty serious problems, and who want to be part of the solution.




    * 'Guantanamo Bay: Legal Black Hole' – public lecture by former US Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

                            Wednesday 23rd July, 5:30pm

                            Lecture theatre 1, Rutherford House, Pipitea Campus, 23 Lambton Quay


    Sandra Day O'Connor was appointed to the Arizona State Senate in 1969 and was subsequently re-elected to two two-year terms. In 1975 she was elected Judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court and served until 1979, when she was appointed to the Arizona Court of Appeals. President Reagan nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and she took her seat on 25 September 1981. Justice O'Connor retired from the Supreme Court on 31 January 2006. She is currently the Chancellor of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, and also serves on the Board of Trustees of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.


    Come along to hear her speak on Guantanamo Bay and those detained there.




    * VicIDS meeting: 'Foreign Aid: New Zealand's Contribution and Track Record' – Paul Martell

                            Monday 28th July, 5pm

                            CO304, Cotton Building, Kelburn Campus, VUW


    The New Zealand government made a commitment, along with many other states, to contribute 0.7% of New Zealand's GDP to Official Development Assistance. Recently a commitment was made to raise our contributions from 0.3% to 0.35% by 2010, but we are still well below what was promised.


    Paul Martell is World Vision New Zealand's Government Relations Manager and Project Officer for the Pacific and Cambodia. He is also on the board for the Council for International Development.


    Come along to hear him speak on New Zealand's aid track record.




    * Post-2012 Burden Sharing Symposium

                            Tuesday 29th July, 8;45-5pm

                            Auditorium, National Library, Molesworth Street


    You are invited to attend the forthcoming symposium on Post-2012 Burden Sharing. This event will focus on one of the most crucial questions currently facing policy makers across the globe: "How should the costs of mitigating and adapting climate change be shared by the international community"?


    This event provides a unique opportunity for these issues to be addressed in a public forum within New Zealand, with distinguished diplomatic, international policy and academic speakers.


    There is no charge for this event, but you must register. To do so, please contact Sarah Coleman on (03) 364 3477.




    * Dawn Raids: 9 Months On

                            Thursday 31st July, 7pm

                            Newtown Hall, Daniell Street, Newtown (opposite Mediterranean Food                                     Warehouse)


    Speakers: Moana Jackson (Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Porou), Jane Kelsey (Arena trustee, Professor Law at Auckland University), Kiritapu Allan (Conscious Collaborations) & others.


    The speakers will cover a range of topics including Tino Rangatiratanga,perspectives on where things are at nine months on, the Terrorism Suppression Act (TSA), the broader context of the raids, and personal experiences.


    For more information, please email

    1. MONDAY 28 July

    Vegetarian Sausage BBQ KICK OFF!! 11am – 2pm in the quad. All funds raised go to protecting Amazonian rainforest.

    Co-ordinator: Rachel Meadowcroft.

    Helpers:  We need at least 2 helpers please, you can come just for an hour, but it's good to have 3 people here at all times. Really easy and fun!



    TUESDAY 29 July

    FORUM open discussion around the environment,

    Coordinator: Aaron Packard

    (Details to be confirmed)


    WEDNESDAY 30 July

    PANEL DISCUSSION 12pm.  Representatives from Green Party, Labour and National.

    Venue: Memorial Theatre Foyer, Student Union Building

    Co-ordinator: Mark Newton

    FILM #1. 2.30 – 4.00pm @ the Memorial theatre. PLACE. TBA. Coordinator: Georgi Hart


    THURSDAY 31 July

    CYCLE TO UNI FREE BREAKFAST 9 – 10.30am in the QUAD. Bike to uni!! Then bring us your bike helmet and we'll give you a free breakfast!!

    Coordinator: Glenn Wilson (

    Helpers: Katie Ramsbottom, Kate Scarlett.


    FILM #2. 12 – 1 @ Memorial theatre, students association building.


    Coordinator: Georgi Hart


    FRIDAY August 1

    Kelburn ECO therapy 12 – 1.30 in the quad. [Involves potting up seedlings for a local nursery)

    Coordinator: Phill Barker

    Helpers: Allison, ?Stuart Corbett?, ?Jessica Wylie??  Plus more please


    FILM #3. 1.30 – 2.30pm @ Memorial theatre, students association building.

    WHAT FILM - TBC. Bring your lunch and check out a movie.

    Coordinator: Georgi Hart


    Evening: Green Party Gig


    SATURDAY August 2

    Fundraiser PARTY @ thistle hall from 8:30pm (koha? $5?) BANDS!

    Coordinator: Mark Newton

    Helpers: Georgi Hart, Need more helpsers please


    SUNDAY: August 3


    Te Araroa (NZ walkway opening) 9am @ Waikanae.

    Coordinator: Georgi

    Let us know if you would like to come


    Plus we will need postering people, will bring  posters to Gecko this Wednesday to distribute.

    3. Pam Williams spoke at Gecko this week about environmental education, and encouraged everyone to get involved or encourage enviromental activities at schools in their areas. Also, we spoke about the fantastic envriroschools programme, have a look at for more.

    4. The Greens campaign launch party will be on August 1st at the Opera House with Phoenix Foundation and Little Bushmen. Tickets are $25 from Ticketek. A poster is attached with all the details.


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