Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Soap making party

  •  19-04-2008, 1:01 PM

    Soap making party

    Leanne sent me this. Sounds like heaps of fun!

     I've begun to make our soaps and household cleaners and it's so easy, so exciting and so cheap...not to mention how much better it is for the environment.


    We use so many cleaning products personally and for our home. We are duped into buying a different product for almost every single appliance, piece of furniture and body part. All of them are full of chemicals and create useless rubbish with the constant purchasing of more packaging.


    Did you know....


    - laundry detergent costs on average (cheap - enviro product) $7 for 1kg of powder

    - if you make your own (enviro product) it costs you about 67 cents for 3 litres of detergent


    You are invited to a soap making party where we will make laundry detergent together. I'll have copies of all the other recipes for household cleaners that I'm using if you're interested. And others who have been trying their hand at making other soaps will bring some for us to see.


    If you are interested, let me know by Thursday 24 April. I'll book a date for the party then that works for everyone.




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