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VicIDS happenings

  •  11-03-2008, 2:57 PM

    VicIDS happenings

    Hello All,

    Vic IDS (International Development Society) has some great opertunities comming us : (details further down)

    - THINK GLOBAL - ACT LOCAL What is a sustainable community?

    7.30 pm on Tuesday 11 March

    - Nelson Davila, Venezuelan Charge d'Affaires for New Zealand, Australia and Fiji is having a

    public meeting at Newtown Community Centre on Saturday 15th March, at 8.30pm.

    - Power in International Development

    Monday March 17th 1pm –  3pm

    Seminar Room CO 304, Cotton Building, Victoria University of Wellington


    7.30 pm on Tuesday 11 March


    Many of us at the Island Bay Community Centre share a very deep concern with the serious global situation, some of which have been highlighted by Al Gore in his Nobel Prize-winning presentation. We believe that although these many linked problems appear overwhelming, there are actions which we can take - both locally and at the national level - to solve some and to make progress on others.

    You are invited to a public meeting to discuss a way forward. Following an outline of some global issues by John Robinson - who has worked with the NZ Commission for the Future and several United Nations agencies on studies and forecasts of global trends - we will together discuss what actions are called for and how a community can do something, both by thinking globally and by acting locally. Come and join in - all are welcome, whether you live in Island Bay or not.

    Venue change to MEETING ROOM (under church)



    The contact person is John Robinson 9345936


    Latin American Solidarity Committee
    Venezuelan Charge d'Affaires for New Zealand in Wellington this weekend.

    Nelson Davila, Venezuelan Charge d'Affaires for New Zealand, Australia and Fiji is having a

    public meeting at Newtown Community Centre on Saturday 15th March, at 8.30pm.
    Paul Bruce, President of the Latin American Committee which is hosting the event, says this is a unique opportunity for ordinary Wellingtonians to get well-informed anwers to their questions about what is happening in Venezuela.
    Now representing his country at the forefront of Latin American grass-roots self-determination, Nelson Davila will be on hand to introduce the first NZ screening of the independent documentary "No Volveran: The Venezuelan Revolution Now."
    This 2007 feature length documentary by Venezuelan film company Altered States introduces many of Venezuela's key revolutionary figures and the mass movement behind them, as they say "No!" to capitalism, and instead build the socialism of the 21st century.
    The film takes us deep into the barrios, out to the factories, and into the heart of the revolution to discover the roots of this transformational movement. You will meet the people who are fighting for power in their communities and taking control of their work places, such as the factory workers of Sanitarios Maracay and their unprecedented campaign for full nationalisation under workers' control.
    In addition to answering questions from the audience, Nelson will also talk about:
    ·         The recent formation of the 5 million strong United Socialist Party of Venezuela in response to President Chavez's call for "socialism of the 21st century".
    ·         The Chavez government's strong support for indigenous rights in Venezuela.
    ·         The explosive growth of Communal Councils, which have the power to decide on local and regional priorities, along with receiving a huge chunk of state funding to implement their own grassroots plans.
    Don't wonder why Colombian President Uribe shook hands with Chavez and Ecuadorian President Correa last weekend rather than continue his Bush walk – come see and hear for yourselves why millions of Venezuelans are embracing the politics of inclusion, solidarity and mutual respect.
    Not only Latin Americans can open their eyes, find their feet, and use their voices - you too can come, see, and question!!
    Contact: Julie Webb-Pullman 021 026 25456


    Power in International Development

    Monday March 17th 1pm –  3pm

    Seminar Room CO 304, Cotton Building, Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn Parade

    A talk led by Valerie Miller and Peggy Healy From Just Associates

    Valerie Miller and Peggy Healy have both worked in advocacy, international development, gender, and human rights for more than 30 years, as well as publishing numerous articles and books, therefore have a wealth of experience and knowledge on issues of power within international development. CID is lucky enough to have Valerie and Peggy as the facilitators for our *** on Power in International Development, taking place on the 10th to the 13th of March. This talk will be an opportunity to follow on from the issues that emerge at the *** and to discuss the undercurrents of power that are present when talking conceptually and practicing International Development.

    Read more about Valerie and Peggy and the organisation they are involved in at

    Please RSVP to me on by Friday the 14th of March.


    'Viva the Information Revolution'

    Victoria International Development Society
    Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand - Aotearoa

    Member of U8 Global Student Partnership for Development

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