Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Updated AIC and Mid winter participants list

  •  19-06-2007, 2:14 PM

    Updated AIC and Mid winter participants list

    Below is the updated list for AIC and Mid Winter. If you are not on the list for either and want to come you better email me urgently!


    Katherine Given
    Jenny Long
    Annabel Beattie
    Florence Massin
    Matthieu Guenoux
    Michael Pohl
    Hazel Bidmend
    Sarah Miller
    Jamie Bissel
    Sam Baker
    Robert Goguel
    Simon Kamatchy
    ben mclauchlan
    Magalie Boucher
    Anne Koegler
    Amelia Opie
    Daniel Wilson
    Sophie Allen
    Andreas Brieger
    Burkhard Cless
    Dale Smith
    Andrew Oliver
    Sam McColl
    Steve Corin
    Simon Tuohy
    Cameron Burrell
    Nina Huang
    Stefan Saftenberger
    Craig Ryburn
    Craig Scott
    Kieran Paton
    Richie Davies
    Guy Short
    Kate McKenzie
    Oliver Tuohy
    Andrea Logan
    Regan Liddell

    Mid Winter

    Annabel Beattie
    Sarah Miller
    Jenny Long
    Natalie Pilcher
    Jess Clark
    Shawn Johnson
    Sam Baker
    Tom Fanning
    Matthias Kübel
    Simon KAMATCHY
    Robert Goguel
    Craig Ryburn
    Craig Scott
    John Ballinger
    Burkhard Cless
    Jeroen Sieburgh
    Jamie Bissel
    Guy Short
    Kieran Paton
    Andrea Logan
    Duncan (person from Ollies work)



    Craig Ryburn
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