BAAA - Newsletter of the Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club

Volume 18, Issue 2, July 1999

Editor's Bit

Thank you, thank you, Catherine … grovel, grovel! Yes that’s right being BAAA time again the editor has devised another cunning ploy so that she is out of town. This time I am tramping in North West Nelson … starting to wonder what possessed me to volunteer for this job … aahh (maybe I didn’t!)

Anyway this newsletter is full of neat stuff about trips that have been, and what is planned ahead. Hope everyone has been enjoying their tramping and climbing; look forward to seeing you in the hills or probably more likely at varsity…

Anna Pulford

Adrian and Steve
Adrian and Steve having such a good time - bushball '99

Assistant Editor's Bit

Hi there happy trampers, it’s BAAA time again. Lots of people have been away enjoying the great NZ outdoors. As I started putting this together 27 members of the club were tramping around Kahurangi National Park having an excellent time.Unfortunately not all trips have been quite so successful this year with some trips being put off due to weather, and/or ill health and some trampers even spending an unexpected night in the bush (see the article on the Cross Dressing trip).The basic AIC was unfortunately one trip to be put off due to a flu epidemic striking down our instructors. If you were one of the people who had signed up for the AIC there is another chance later on to learn these skills. See the upcoming trips page.

However Queen’s Birthday weekend saw a successful trip up to the Kawekas with a large number of people enjoying the natural hot pools and also doing a bit of tramping while they were there. Many thanks to Michele for organising. Also over Queen’s B’day a few VUWTC members did the Tongariro Crossing and combined this with climbing Ngaruhoe and Ruapehu. Mt Egmont has also been the target of others, with ice axes and self arresting techniques being put into good use.
A few weekends ago I actually managed to go tramping heading into the Tararuas with a group of 10-15 trampers for Adrian Barr’s “farewell” tramp No. 2. We headed in from Walls Whare to Alpha Hut via Cone. The weather wasn’t the best however we arrived at Alpha and had a superb gourmet feast accompanied by Charmian and Rob showing us their musical talents on the Violin.

Other tramps since the last BAAA include Bash on Thru in the Orongarongas, trips to Holdsworth and new Tarn Ridge and the Mangahuka loop. Not to be forgotten of course was our annual Bushball which as always resulted in much drunken debauchery and many headaches the following morning. See the photos in this newsletter.

That’s all from me for this issue - happy tramping
