BAAA - Newsletter of the Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club

Volume 17, Issue 3, August 1998 

From the Editor's Coffee Table

Oh no, here we go again. That's right it's Baaa the third and it's packed full of useful information about what the club has been up to and what it will be getting up to. We are now in full Heels mode. Nyree and I want articles, photos, art, poems and also a cover (for all you budding artists out there). A free copy of Heels will go to the person who designs the cover we choose. You have to include the word "Heels" and 1998 somewhere but the rest is up to you. The AGM is on September the 22nd this is your chance to really get involved in the club and take on a commiittee position. You can read about the positions in Baaa and ask the current committee member if you have any further questions. There are also details of some motions that will be voted on at the AGM. All this plus details of the up-coming trips and stories about some of the old trips. It's a rather good read so what are you doing still looking at this waffle? Go on off with you I don't want to see you on this page anymore. Have Fun.

Adrian Pike

Note: only the trip reports have been put up on this site.

Assistant Editors Bit

Well it's half way through the second semester and stress levels are running high. Normally Baaa would come in handy for some light relief to keep you sane. But not this time - it's the business end of the year for the tramping club too. However, together with the serious stuff there's also some good write-ups of the trips that have already happened, and many trips (and write-ups) just waiting to happen. So read the news, come to the meetings, go tramping - and most importantly - enjoy it! Just one extra thing: Heels 97 has just come out - it's a good read, so buy one! If you've got any articles you'd like published in this year's Heels, come see me or Adrian, we'll be happy to accommodate. Well, seeya next time (next Baaa will be out in-early November).



"It's so unfair that it's OK for a girl to nip a guy's nipples, but a guy can't nip a girl's nipples!" - Rob Holmes on Mid-Winter Christmas. This may surprise the more intelligent members in the club, but this young lad managed to manipulate an entire conversation around the topic of "nipple-nipping" for a good half-hour. You'll also remember that this is the same guy who set his tank top alight, to be left with a black singe mark in the morning.

"You think that I know fuck nothing, but I know fuck all!" Dave R. and Adrian P. in Nelson Lakes, quoting an American lecturer (frequently)
