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Bush Ball 09

Last post 27-05-2009, 2:32 PM by Jason. 1 replies.
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  •  27-05-2009, 12:41 PM 4413

    Bush Ball 09

    So, this concept of getting dressed up in formal wear and tramping (ahem hiking) into the 'wops' for some drinks and dancing is something so foreign yet exhilirating to me.  Unfortunately, it was an early night for me but overall a success!! To all those who tramped in early to set up the tarps, bring in the keg and make sure bush ball was still a night to remember, thank you!!!  With Jason's promise of an "easy tramp", a few of us arrived in the parking lot around four, looking forward to getting our drink on.  The weather was certainly not on our side- rainy, cold, and overall just miserable.  Good thing we brought our good spirits!  And just spirits in general.  With some gin and lemonade being passed between me and Shannon, suddenly it wasn't so cold.  As promised, the tramp in was fairly flat...I just wanted to get there and put my dress on!  So everything is going swimmingly, despite a slight downpour.  No big deal, its just a bit of rain.  Then we got to the river.  Oh the river.  Higher than usual, we had to do a slight wade through the freezing cold water- I swear I even saw hail!  Good thing I wore white running shoes instead of hiking boots (what was I thinking!?!?!) But even that couldn't damper my spirits because there was a party at the other end!  Arriving at the hut soaking wet, I helped set up my tent (or more like provided moral support) then finally was able to dry off a bit and join in the fun.  Awesome music selection (I hear courtesy of Marthas ipod?)..everyone seemed to be having a blast.  I managed to get in a few photos before the vodka went to my head and I turned in. I even missed Cotton Eye Joe.  I love that song.  Apparently there was a bit of drama that went on, though what drunken evening doesnt have that, but mostly I heard everyone greatly enjoyed themselves.  Wish I couldve joined in!!:)  Even though the rain could have made the night a complete downer, things pulled through.  The tramping club knows how to throw a party!  I think I may have to teach Canadians a thing or two about how to have a good time... Oh and by the way you all looked fantastic. 

     I think more importantly, however, is the return journey the next morning.  I have such mixed feelings about that walk.  I feel like I was being tested on how much I can handle. So here's the thing, everyone was drinking the night before.  It seems most people had a blast.  So a perfect ending to an almost perfect evening would be that nice short tramp back to the cars.  Easy on the head and body, it would get me home by mid afternoon, which would give me time to write some of my essay.  We wake up in the morning, and find out that the river is too flooded to walk back across it.  We have to take a detour.  Im thinking, okay so it will be a bit longer, but how hard can it be?  If you have read FML, this was an FML tramp.  I clearly was feeling a bit ill to begin with, and the rain kept coming.  Not ideal, but tolerable.  Then we got to the embankment.   A few of the boys had hauled the keg up the muddy incline, only to discover they could not go any further with the wheelbarrow.  Watching them struggle to get up and down, I almost gave up then and there.  I have poor footing, so climbing up the path and getting covered in mud was not the highlight of my day.  Any other day, this could have been a somewhat enjoyable and hilarious experience.  Not so when I just wanted to curl up in bed in the fetal position for the next week.   Having survived this escapade, things didn't begin to look up.  A few times we had to traverse through thigh high freezing cold water.  Once we got onto the gravel road, I figured it would be a breeze from there.  Why did that road go on forever!!!  Probably just because I was so tired, but with the wind whipping me in the face and my pack starting to kill my back a little, I was not a happy camper..literally.  When the bridge came into view, it was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  That light burnt out fast.  Turns out we had to wait in the cold for the drivers to get their cars.  Only their cars were stuck due to flooding.  Luckily New Zealanders are very nice people.  Some guy with a paddy wagon came to pick the rest of us up, and we hid out in the trailer like a bunch of illegal immigrants.  By this point, it was starting to get dark and everyone really just wanted to change out of their wet clothes.  Thanks to Terra for being such a den mother and ensuring everyone was keeping nice and warm and for handing out her extra dry clothes.  I should have gone on exchange to Australia!!  Just are all awesome and overall it was a blog worthy experience!  The cars were towed across the ravine, and then around six we finally headed back into town.  Despite the pain I felt in the next couple of days, this is certainly a weekend I will never forget.  Maybe I just need to learn to 'harden up'.  In the meantime, I think I am going to take a couple weekends off from tramping and just drink in town.  Its guaranteed to only take me about 20 minutes to walk home from the bars. And there are no rivers to cross.

     Grading for bush ball 2009? 3.5 out of 5 stars.  But only because of the weather.  And because I somehow broke my camera.

     See you all at next years ball perhaps?? :D

  •  27-05-2009, 2:32 PM 4414 in reply to 4413

    Re: Bush Ball 09

    Yay someone wrote a trip report :)!!!!

    As promised come along next week to collect your chocolate ( or should I say DOUBLE chocolate;) )

    Remember first person to write up a report about the Queens Birthday weekend trips gets double chocolatey goodness as well :)

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